Storage box


With an old pair of work jeans and scrap fabric I will make a storage box. I first designed my storage box in 2020 when I need a box to store my underwear. After I finished making five of these boxes, I found that I loved these boxes. They are simple to make and a great way to use up scrap fabric or old garments. Fun to decorate with the fancy stitches my machine have. I have now made ten of these and I have them though out the house.

Really practical to store

  • Cables
  • CDs
  • Cleaning clothes
  • Tea towels
  • Stick Blender
  • Icing bag
  • Almost anything you want

Since I used this pattern so much, I transferred to cardboard. Now I have made a digital copy of this pattern. When the cardboard pattern dies I can print a new copy.  


I start with cutting the pants in half though the inner leg. Then I unpick the Zipper. Zippers cost a lot of money and are worth saving.

I am now doing two boxes because I can cut one from each leg. Using the leftover scrap fabric from my work pants I had enough to line one box. I had to find something else to line the other box. I used some leftover fabric from when I made the walk away dress. I still have plenty of fabric to make a top or skirt. I used a heavy interfacing. This will help the boxes keep their shape. I have made storage boxes without interfacing in the past and regrated that.


I started with sewing the handles. I just fold them in half and sew. After finishing the fourth handle I discovered that I ran out of bobbin thread. Looking closer at my handles I realised that these handles are too long. I just going to cut two in half and get my four handles that way. I pressed them flat with the iron and set them aside.

Baste the interfacing too the main fabric. Then place the handles into position on the main fabric. I used a ruler and chalk to mark where they go. I sew the ends down by sewing a rectangle with an X in the middle. This will make it strong. This way you won’t have to worry about how much you put in the box and will the handles survive the load.

Now you sew up the sides to form the box. Both the main fabric and lining. Turn the lining inside out the place into the main fabric box. You want the outside of the fabric facing each other. Pin the two together along the edge. Make sure to leave a gap so you can turn it out. Sew along the top edge.


Turn the boxes out so lining is inside the box and all the seams are inside. Iron the seams flat so it’s easy to sew. Iron the opening so it’s easy to sew shut. Now for the fun bit. Sure, you could sew a straight stitch all away round that would work. I use brightly coloured thread and pick a pretty embroidery stitch. My domestic as a lot of pretty stitches on it I may as well use them. I couldn’t pick a colour so I choose my rainbow thread. After that’s done. UNPICK THE BASTING THREAD. I am lazy and for get this. This time I won’t. Also this is a great time to have a close look. Remove any random threads and make it perfect. Attention to details will make it look more professional.

Iron the corners down to prepare to French seam. My original plan when I created this patten was to leave it here. I don’t like how it looks so open. So at each corner I sew it down. I find this strength it up and helps keep its straight. Sometimes I do fancy stitches here too. The decorative stitch is to wide to work, so I’ll just do black straight stitch. Done. Doing those final corners make a big difference.


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