Striped Raglan Jumper



After finding an old drawing. I decided to make that. Sadly I re lost that drawing. I first came up with this idea when I started to learn how to use the knitting machine. I found that lifting up stiches from several rows down left a great impact on the design. Sadly, I can’t find much online about this. I guess not many people have used this. The only souce of information I have found is in a book. I end up buying Hand – Manipulated Stitches for Machine Knitter by Susan Gualiumi. Sadly, I don’t go though the book for inspiration as often as I should. While on holidays I bought some fancy yarns that I can’t buy in Australia. Both the wool and yarn is my source of inspiration for this jumper.


To start off I need a jumper pattern. I use Designaknit to come up with my design and pattern. I put my measurements in, and I picked out what I want. Well kind of. I can go back and update details. I choose a raglan jumper design. I haven’t made one of these and it’s about time I do this. Also, I think this will be a great way to make my sleeve design pop.

I used Designaknit stitch design page to lay out the stich design I want and colours. I still have a lot to do, and I don’t know what I am doing. Since I can’t find much information online, I gave up. I also couldn’t find away to let the computer to alert me of any up coming changes when I want. Also, I couldn’t add the extra rows to the design because that will change me sleeve length too much. Cleary, I need to learn more about Designaknit before I can go on. Just wing it, isn’t always the right answer.


Bendigo Woolen Mills

Classic 3 ply

Napoleon Blue


Red Heart Baby 185

50g balls, 4 balls

3 ply White


Today I selected the yarns I want to use from my stash. I made do with the blue because  it works well with the rainbow wool. I have a lot of white yarns in my stash from when I was experimenting with dying. Sadly, most of the whites I have are unnatural fibres. At least I can knit some amazing items with them. The white cone on yarn I have doesn’t match the label. I don’t know what it is. I did set a small off cut on fire. First time it lit up really well, then I dropped into the sink, so I don’t get burnt. The brunt remains turned into a powder in my fingers. Second attempt it didn’t catch as easily and when it did it put itself out. What ever this stuff I should be careful around flames.

With these yarns and Designaknit on the computer I got started on test swatches. Here I wanted to test how big I make these ridges on my sleeve using the lift up method. This will also see how well the colours look together.  Also well I was doing these swatches I was testing if it is ok to use a USB extension cable. This worked fine. YAY!!


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